Gambelia wislizenii (Long-nosed Leopard Lizard)

Credit: Brad Shaffer
about the species
Gambelia wislizenii (long-nosed leopard lizard), Gambelia sila (blunt-nosed leopard lizard), and Gambelia copei (Cope’s leopard lizard) are three closely related species that together constitute an ecological and geographical replacement species. This group provides widespread representation of all arid habitats in California, including the Mojave and adjacent deserts, the San Joaquin Desert, and the Great Basin desert.
why species was selected
The blunt-nosed leopard lizard is both federally and state listed (endangered), and is a key conservation and management target in its San Joaquin Valley habitat. It is one of the highest priority conservation targets in California, and this genome will serve as a critical reference for the species.
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