Where we’ve been featured
CCGP’s Ivallda Arctic butterfly, the highest North America butterfly, featured on blog post by eButterfly March 2024
The CCGP highlighted in UC Davis Magazine article about the Earth BioGenome Project June 2023
AGA blog post Behind the Science: Making the most of a cancelled field season acknowledges the CCGP as a project driving the increasing rate of sequenced and published genomes June 2023
The CCGP mentioned in interview with PI and Director Brad Shaffer for the Pepperdine University Newspaper February 2023
The CCGP in the UCLA Daily Bruin: UCLA researchers take lead in genetics study of California’s native species February 2023
Los Angeles Times article about the CCGP: Geneticists are advancing the cause of conservation with a new breed of sanctuary January 2023
CCGP highlighted in New York Times guest essay: Humans have a long history of making ‘very bad decisions’ to save animals September 2022
CCGP included in IUCN publication: Selecting species and populations for monitoring of genetic diversity August 2022
CCGP mentioned in How DNA sequencing can safeguard against biodiversity loss July 2022
University of California News: Massive genomics study aims to protect California biodiversity. July 2022
CCGP mentioned in Technology Network’s article about the Earth BioGenome Project: Sequencing Life on Earth, One Eukaryote at a Time May 2022
CCGP mentioned in UCLA Newsroom article: Talking climate solutions with Institute of the Environment and Sustainability director Marilyn Raphael April 2022
American Genetic Association Blog: Behind the Science: Implications of Large-Effect Loci for Conservation April 2022
Mercury News: What 19,500 genomes say about California’s wildlife February 2022
CCGP mentioned in Science Alert and articles on the Earth BioGenome Project January 2022
The Science Advisory Board and Yahoo! Finance articles on PacBio’s partnership with the CCGP and other biodiversity genomics consortiums September 2021
CCGP noted in Nature Reviews Genetics: Opportunities and challenges of macrogenetic studies August 2021
Illustration: Sonja Pinck