Overview of WGS Library Prep and Sequencing Options
There are three basic options for generating whole genome resequencing libraries.
Extract DNA and generate your own libraries
UC core facility extracts DNA and/or generates libraries for you
CCGP Mini-Core extracts DNA and/or generates libraries for you
Option 2. Library generation at UC Core
Most UC genomics cores can extract DNA, generate whole genome libraries, and complete short read sequencing. Users can submit either tissues, or already extracted gDNA.
We recommend that you contact your chosen core prior to starting projects to confirm availability, timelines, tissue and DNA requirements, and cost.
Generally, this option will mean that the libraries the core generates for you will be pooled and sequenced with other libraries that the core makes, and you will be billed based on the percent of the lane that is allocated to your libraries.
The QB3 Genomics Core at UC Berkeley*, and the DNA Technologies Core at UC Davis are both familiar with the scope and goals of CCGP projects, but other UC cores should offer similar services.
Follow the submission instructions laid out by the chosen core.
There is no need to specifically identify these projects as related to CCGP when you submit them.
Remember, cores often charge a lot for these services, and this expense comes from your budget.
*If you are planning to submit material to QB3 Genomics Core, please add your information to this spreadsheet and email a 2-weeks notice to the facilities manager, Carrianne Miller, before sending.