Rubus spectabilis (Salmonberry)
Credit: Jason Johns
about the species
Rubus spectabilis, salmonberry, is found in moist to wet sites, especially in forest openings and along streambanks. It grows along the California coastline from sea level to less than 500 m from approximately the San Francisco bay area to the Oregon border. It has large magenta flowers pollinated by insects and hummingbirds. It produces raspberry-like fruits that are highly palatable to many species of birds and mammals, including humans (described as deliciously flavored).
why species was selected
Rubus spectabilis is closely related to R. parviflorus yet has a more restricted range. R. spectabilis grows in coastal regions north of California along the Gulf of Alaska while R. parviflorus grows both further south in California and further inland and to higher elevations. Comparisons between these species will be used to study these differences in distribution and ecology.