Myotis yumanensis (Yuma myotis)
Credit: Merlin Tuttle
about the species
Yuma myotis are a widely distributed and common bat across California. Currently, 6 distinct subspecies of Yuma myotis exist across their distributional range, 4 of which occur in California. This bat species is closely tied to riparian zones where it forages by capturing flying insects over water. Further, Yuma bats are known to be robust in their choice of roosting habitat, as they occupy a variety of manmade and natural roost types.
why species was selected
The extent to which MYYU populations are genetically structured, locally adapted, and possess unique functional genomic variation is currently unknown. Further, Yuma myotis bats are known to be susceptible to white nose syndrome (a disease caused by the fungus Pseudogymnoascus destructans) and landscape genomic data can be used to predict the spread of the disease through California.