Branchinecta sandiegonensis (San Diego Fairy Shrimp)
Credit: Diolinda Monteiro
about the species
Fairy shrimp are a unique component of vernal pool habitats in California and there are four species in the genus Branchinecta that are endemic to California. Three of these species are found in the Great Central Valley (B. conservatio, B. longiantenna, B. lynchi) and one is restricted to coastal Southern California (B. sandiegonensis). B. longiantenna (video) is only found in three locations throughout the state. Given the unique ecology of vernal pools, temporal/spatial isolation, and geologic requirements, many of the species inhabiting vernal pools are uniquely adapted to conditions of these ephemeral environments.
why species was selected
There are currently five species in the genus Branchinecta that are currently protected by federal and state agencies. All species are currently under threat due to habitat loss and alteration. B. sandieogonensis (pictured here) is also impacted by hybridization from a closely related species (B. lindahli). Understanding genomic diversity in these species will allow managers to identify geographic regions for conservation and determine the genomic integrity of species subject to hybridization.
Credit: Andres Aguilar