3. Shipment of reference genome DNA & RNA samples

In each package, please include a paper copy of the sample submission form AND email a copy of the submission form to each shipping destination. This submission form can be downloaded here.

Packaging Guidelines

  • Packing should be leak-proof and meet carrier packaging requirements.

  • Samples should be sent on dry ice, taking care that tubes are protected from crushing. Secondary containers are recommended.

  • Packages should be labeled externally with a Dry Ice label (UN 1845), and the shipping label should reflect that dry ice is inside the package.

  • Senders should use next-day service.

  • Shipments should only arrive Monday through Friday, and avoid weekends and holidays. We recommend shipping on Mondays or Tuesdays.

  • Due to the ongoing fluidity of the Covid-19 situation, senders should check with each destination to ensure that packages can be received prior to sending samples.

  • Please conform to all shipping and permit regulations regarding the shipment of biological specimens.

  • The CCGP labs CANNOT accept samples potentially infectious to humans.

Shipping Destinations

If you plan on shipping fresh blood or live animals, please contact each destination at least a week in advance to ensure that the samples can be processed.

Aliquots of your tissues should be sent to each of three destinations:

  1. UC Davis (PacBio long-reads)

    Attn: Ruta Sahasrabudhe / CCGP Sample Submission
    DNA Technologies Core
    Genome and Biomedical Sciences Facility (GBSF),

    Room 1410 University of California-Davis
    451 Health Sciences Drive
    Davis, CA 95616

  2. UC Santa Cruz (Omni-C)
    Attn: Will Seligmann / CCGP Sample Submission

    Thimann Receiving/Biomed Rm. 155
    UC Santa Cruz
    1156 High St
    Santa Cruz, CA 95064

  3. UCLA (Transcriptomes and archiving)

    Attn: Andrew Tully / CCGP Sample Submission

    Shaffer Lab, TLSB 4140
    UC Los Angeles
    610 Charles E Young Drive East
    Los Angeles, CA 90095