California Conservation Genomics Project: Building the most comprehensive genomic dataset ever assembled to help manage regional biodiversity.

Submission of tissues for DNA extraction followed by library preparation

  • The Mini-Core can extract DNA from high-quality tissues.

  • We will not work with highly degraded samples, herbarium specimens, old leaf tissues and other low-quality samples.

  • In all cases, recently collected samples are preferred

    • We are unable to process formalin-fixed samples

  • For challenging to extract species (i.e. many plants, marine invertebrates, small insects), or very small species or samples:

    • If possible, please provide additional or backup samples for extraction troubleshooting.

    • If there are known extraction protocols that work for your species, please share them with us!

  • We cannot accept samples that are potentially infectious to humans 

See more details for these specific sample types below:


Insects and Other Small Animals

Vertebrate Soft Tissues

Vertebrate Hard Tissues



  • Submit at least 1g of leaf tissue per sample.

    • Fresh, young leaf tissue is very much preferred.

    • We will not work with herbarium specimens

  • If possible, flash freeze the tissue in individually labeled cryotubes or aluminum foil envelopes in liquid nitrogen and then store at -20°C or -80°C. Transport flash-frozen samples on dry ice.

  • Fresh samples may also be desiccated with silica-gel beads and placed individually in a manila paper envelope. Ensure that all samples have been thoroughly desiccated prior to shipping.

  • Please contact Andrew Tully ( if your plant does not have leaves.

Insects and Other Small Animals

  • Submit entire individuals or at least 0.2g of material per sample.

  • Avoid feeding samples prior to collection, to avoid isolating food DNA and microbial content. This will lower your on-target sequences and your final coverage.

  • If providing partial animals, please attempt to exclude the gut.

  • If possible, flash-freeze individuals or samples in cryotubes in liquid nitrogen, store at -20°C, and ship on dry ice.

  • Alternatively, store individuals or samples in ethanol (75%-99%) at -20°C and ship with frozen ice packs or dry ice.

  • Please do not submit live animals.

  • If you cannot submit an entire individual, and feel as if the individual does not contain enough tissue for extraction, please submit additional individuals if possible. Contact Andrew ( with questions.

 Vertebrate Soft Tissues

  • Soft tissues (such as spleen, liver, heart, and muscle) are strongly recommended. They will give you better data.

  • Submit at least 0.2g of material per sample.

  • Soft tissues should be divided into roughly 0.5cm3 pieces (multiple pieces per tube is fine).

  • Newly collected samples should be rinsed with cold saline to remove blood and other contaminants prior to freezing.

  • If possible, flash-freeze individuals or samples in cryotubes in liquid nitrogen, store at -20°C, and ship on dry ice.

  • Alternatively, store individuals or samples in ethanol (75%-99%) at -20°C and ship with frozen ice packs or dry ice.

 Vertebrate Hard Tissues

***Hard tissues may require additional extraction attempts and special handling. Please contact Andrew ( to discuss your options before creating a submission with hard tissues.

  • Hard tissues include skin, scales, feathers, fin clips, claws, and other tissue types are difficult to work with and often produce poor results.

  • For small samples, if possible submit additional material (i.e. multiple claws, feathers, or fin clips) to maximize extraction success.

  • Submit at least 0.2g of extractable material (not just keratin) per sample.

  • Store samples in ethanol (75%-99%) at -20°C and ship with frozen ice packs or dry ice.


  • For species with nucleated red blood cell (birds, reptiles, fish, amphibians), please send at least 30µl per sample.

    • For smaller species, provide a minimum of 15µl of nucleated blood

  • For species with non-nucleated red blood cells (mammals), please provide at least 1200µl.

    • For smaller species: provide a minimum of 600µl of blood.

  • Treat fresh blood with anticoagulants and then freeze

    • mammals, birds, reptiles, and amphibians: EDTA

    • fish: citrate dextrose (ACD)

  • Store all samples at -20°C and ship with frozen ice packs or dry ice.

  • If samples were stored using an alternative method or at a different temperature, please contact Andrew ( before sending.