Details for Users

To submit either tissue or gDNA to the UCLA Mini-Core, please complete the submission form and follow the instructions bellow.

Please ensure that all submitted samples match tissue and gDNA requirements.

Fill out the "Sample Submission to CCGP Mini-Core" form quickly and securely on Airtable.

All submissions must include the following:

Shipping address:

Attn: Andrew Tully - CCGP/Shaffer, TLSB 4140

610 Charles E Young Dr East

Los Angeles, CA 90095

Shipping directions:

  • Email Andrew before shipping to make sure someone is available to receive a package.

  • Email the package tracking number and digital copy of the Sample Data Sheet to Andrew.

  • Include a hard copy of the Sample Data Sheet and a Plate Map (if appropriate) in the shipment.

Packaging guidelines:

  • Samples should be uniquely labelled

  • Packing should be leak-proof and meet carrier packaging requirements.

  • For samples on dry ice, label package externally with a Dry Ice label (UN 1945).

  • For all samples, use secondary containers to prevent tubes, foils, or bags from being crushed.

  • Submitters should use next-day service.

  • Shipments should only arrive Monday through Friday, and avoid weekends and holidays if possible. We recommend shipping on Mondays or Tuesdays.

  • Do not ship over University of California holidays or closures.

Batch processing and workflow:

  • If possible, please submit a complete batch of samples (i.e. if you plan on submitting 150 samples, submit them all at one time). Ideally, we will do extractions and library preps in complete batches. However, if this is not feasible, submit samples in as few batches as possible.

  • If 5 or more samples in the batch fall below our quality standards, we will contact projects about how they would like to proceed.

  • If fewer than 5 samples in the batch are below our quality standards, we will proceed with library prep. CCGP will attempt to include lower quality samples, but some samples might be dropped entirely. We will let you know if that is the case.

Data retrieval:

  • Sequence data will be hosted by the sequencing Core for download. It is the project PI’s responsibility to retrieve their own data.

Sample storage:

  • All tissues or DNA submitted to the CCGP Mini-Core will be stored at -20°C.

  • Excess samples (tissue, DNA, or library) will be stored for 6 months after use.

  • After 6 months, all tissues, DNAs and libraries will be discarded.


Can we send samples to the Mini-Core for WGS in batches along the way, rather than all together in a single batch? 

We prefer to receive all samples from each genus in a single batch for organizational and batch-processing purposes. However, if this isn’t possible, you may have to send in two to three batches. If this is the case, please contact Andrew to discuss. If you are funded for multiple projects or genera, it’s fine for them to come in separately.

Do I need to archive sub-samples of the resequenced individuals?

While archival specimens used for reference genomes is encouraged whenever possible, archiving individuals used for whole genome resequencing (both decision to and location of) is the responsibility of, and should be done at the discretion of individual PIs/labs. CCGP will not maintain an archive of the resequenced samples.


Can we send a few samples to the Mini-Core to check that protocols work before sending all of our samples?

While we prefer to receive all samples at once for organizational and batch-processing purposes, you may send a subset of samples for a trial, especially if you anticipate your samples will be potentially difficult. Please contact Andrew beforehand to coordinate.


How will we know if our submitted samples yielded good genomic DNA?

If sending tissue, we request that labs follow our taxa-specific guidelines to yield sufficient gDNA. We will either send a brief confirmation email to inform you that most or all of the samples look good or we will also contact you if we are unable to extract sufficient yields or have any other concerns. If sending extracted gDNA, all submitted samples should be accompanied by two quality checks (see guide for more details).


Have another question regarding the CCGP Mini-Core? Please review our guidelines and/or contact our lab technician Andrew Tully.